In last time i'm so intrested in glitch like dubstep or some light dubstep with vocals, & this tracks are beautiful examples of such kind of music. Take your look on remix from one of my fauvorite artist - Eskmo, it's really impressive. "Rozanski Psychotic Dub" is very mad track, this "wow wow wow" around all the track will make you crasy. Remix from DJG is "Gansta" one, serious track. And last remix from J.Rogers is litght woobele bass track with strange vocals in it.
We Are The Glitch (DJG Remix)
We Are The Glitch (Eskmo Remix)
Psychobabble (Rozanski Psychotic Dub)
You Are Everything Also (J.Rogers Everything Is Nothing Too Mix)
COTK Space
Buy it here
And to the end video for Eskmo's remix on "We're the Glich".