Gatekeeper should have hailed from Haddonfield, Illinois, all cramped muscles, tension and the paranoia of a nebulous hallucination forever dancing in the periphery of your vision, their icy synthetic progressions unfurl in front of us like black pillars of smoke rising in the desolate streets of an empty suburban landscape from which everyone disappeared one spring night, TV still on, dinner cooling on the kitchen table, swings in a garden creaking ever so slightly - we still wonder what happened.
Or a silver blade held by a velvet fist cast in iron essaying a message of pain in the vertebrae of your spine, but not quite willing to deliver it yet, it’s all dark, the way we like it.
As it is they come from Chicago, which suits us fine and makes sense inasmuch their music has something of the Warehouse, just listen to ‘Mirrors’, which comes across like some sort of nightmarish scenario where Nitzer Ebb jacked Philip Glass’ studio during the recording of the Candyman soundtrack to inflict upon us one of the most gloriously macabre pieces of synthetic horror music we have had the pleasure to enjoy for a while, we can imagine such tableaux of carnage to these sounds!
Do not miss Gatekeepers "Optimus prime" single wich will be available at October 26
on FRIGHT records.

"Chicago's finest purveyors of goulish EBM electro carnage. Their music embodies all that we like about 1980's cinematic suspense...you can of xourse see the long shadow of one true master John Carpenter projected over the icy electroid landscapes and obsessive synth melodies painted on damp concrete with sounds made of black leather, cursed silver and blood-splattered celluloid" - 20JAZZFUNKGREATS
Gatekeeper space,
some information about Gatekeeper taken from 20jazzfunkgreats blog.
Digital preorder and Vinyl order at Juno.
-Gatekeeper - Optimus Maximus(128 preview)
-Gatekeeper - Final Approach
-Gatekeeper - Mirrors
-Gatekeeper - Hades
-Appleblim and Gatekeeper - Tomb (Gatekeeper vip)