Heelloo to all my readers, I'm came back from my looong holidays and have some tasty things for you!!))) At first here is new interview for my blog with owner of "Studio Rockers" label from England. On this label have releases such a good musicmakers as Surje, Decyfer, Hackman, Cotti, Evs, JazZstePpa, The Widdler, Caper, The Moody Boyz, Eskmo, Bionics, Ans and releases from MRK1, Pempi and Rush are coming. Here, Tony Thorpe tells us about his plans for future, and about his label, so let it begin!)
And the second post will be with good mix from Roby Howler, russian Jacking\Fidget\Midget\Tech house fellow, whom has tracks released at "Crux Da House" Label.... Also in plans exclusive mixes from Crispo and The Other Side, both russian musicians, about whom i'll tell you in future.... So, if Dubstep gods will help me, i'll make some more interviews with intresting people! Enjoy!)
-Why did you started to releasing music?.
I’d been thinking about starting a label for a while and then the whole dubstep sound really started coming into it’s own and I thought it’d be a good time to put our sound across before the scene got too diluted.
-How do you choose your artists? What do they need to be released? Do they sent for you mastered and ready to release music, or "green" tracks which need to be mastered or remastered? Was there a situation were an artist send for you very very bad qality track, but with something very fresh and intresting, and you finish it at the studio by yourself?
I spend a lot of time on myspace checking out what’s there because these days there are so many talented young producers out there promoting their own music that wouldn’t necessarily be sending their demos out to labels but a lot of them are making some really heavy sounds. Nearly all demos will be unmastered but we would expect producers to have a certain level of competence with mixing down their own tracks. If we received something that was creatively mind-blowing we might make an exception but that is extremely rare and generally we expect producers to have their mixes up to a certain standard before we would release with them.
-How do your studio looks like? What stuff does it have? Do you have parties there, or only use it for work?
My studio looks quite chaotic at the moment with some new bits of equipment lying around that I'm planning to use in the near future. But there is some organisation amongst the mess! There's lots of different stuff in here but mainly synths and midi keyboards. I never have parties in my studio, it's purely for work.
-At your myspace in "Artist" section there are MRK1, Pempi and Rush but they have not got solo releases on label, when would they released?
That's true, well spotted! These artists had tracks that featured on our recent compilation album 'Studio Rockers @ The Controls'. But we do have plenty of releases lined up for 2010 so you can expect to hear more from these artists this year. The next release we have scheduled on the label is MRK1's single and that should be coming out next month so look out for that one!
-Why there is so much time between Anx's releases? He was the first who have a release on your label, now his release is 11th,
can we expect that 21st release will be his too?)
It's just the way it worked out really. When we started out we had so much material from so many different artists that we didn't get a chance to release a next single from anybody. But now it just felt like the right time to come with a 2nd release from Ans, so who knows maybe his next one will be the 21st release, that could be the pattern!!!
-Have you got any requirments from Russian produccers? Maybe you heard some of Russian music produccers? What do you hear about dubstep movement in Russia?
We haven't actually had too many demos from Russian producers as of yet but we'd welcome any that come our way. Russian producers are definitely making some good stuff right now, especially in drum n bass where hospital records have been pushing some of the russian dnb producers like Subwave and Electrosoul System.
-Does the pirates hurts you? Free music shareing is good or bad in your opinion? How much do you envy from your solds?
Yes, free file sharing of our music definitely hurts us. There's plenty of good music available for free that's legal and the cost of music has come down so much in recent years that there's no need to share & download music that isn't free. People have to respect the value of music and realise that they are only damaging the artists and labels that they love by not paying for it. We are a small independent dubstep label and we rely solely on the revenue from our record sales to stay alive, so when people are downloading or "sharing" our music for free then it really damages our hopes of continuing as a label. Recently our album was available to download for free before it had even been released, and the people uploading our releases and sharing them for free claim to be fans!!
-Are you intrested in dubstep tendences in the world, or your label has it's own music style way?
We are always interested to hear what other labels and artists are up to but try not to follow what others are doing. In the end we try and have our own style and we hope that we can take our label and it's sound in a unique direction.
-Do you have special equivalents for music, or there are no borders for music style of your label? And what music you wont be release in any way?
No not really, we appreciate anything that is creative and original and pushes musical boundaries but we are essentially a dubstep label so whatever we release won't stray too far from that sound. But you may see us deviate from this style in the future if the right music comes our way, but it might have to be something truly original.
-Vinyl, CD or digital releases? What do you prefer? And what prefer your buyers?
We will always prefer vinyl to CD's and MP3's. The music sounds better cut to vinyl than it does in it's digital formats and there will always be something more enjoyable about owning the record than there ever will be about having just another MP3 in your itunes folder! If people bought more records and we could survive that way, we'd happily release vinyl only but these days at lot of dj's have made the switch to digital, I think it's a real shame!
-Your first label compilation is released now, what do you feel? I heard there was a party dedicated to it, how it was? Do you plan to make it regulary, or it will be random releases?
It feels good to have put an album out, we obviously put out quite a few singles first but there are already plans to put out some more albums in the future so watch this space. We did have a couple of launch parties for the album which went really well and hopefully there'll be a few more regular Studio Rockers parties in 2010.
-What are your plans for future?
The plan for the future is just to keep on doing what we're doing really. Hopefully we can build on the success of the album and release some more quality singles and hopefully some more albums too. We'd also like to get some regular parties going for all of the fans of Studio Rockers who want to see the artists out there playing their records. And who knows, maybe a Russian release or even a Studio Rockers party in Russia!!!
-What can tou advice for newcomers in dubstep production?
Can you wish something for your listerners and for readers of this interview?
My advise would be to keep it original, don't try and follow what other producers are doing. Just because they are successful it doesn't mean that you will be. Try and produce your own style and keep your own identity and stick with it, you may not find your style overnight! I wish all of our listeners a massively happy 2010 and hope that you all keep checking what we do!
And here is a little bonus - free track from The Moody Boys!
The Moody Boys - Witness The Day
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Studiorockers Junodownload Label page