Whoever said that there’s nothing in Siberia besides snow and bison?? Now you can put Eclier on your global radar.
The adventure starts for Nikita with an electro choc when he was 11 and first heard the Daft Punk’ s «Homework». Since then, his live is devoted to the music, ELECTRO music ! Around 15 he started to run partys in his town Krasnoyarsk bringing to the wild east the best from the west. Aged 20, he added on his myspace the amazing electro bomb «Boxon say hello». He s now playlisted by Digitalism, Midnight Juggernauts, and made several remixes (for Tom Deluxx, Dilemn..). After 2 releases on french label BoxOn ( « Boxon Say Hello » EP and the «Alpha River» EP) the young siberian dude , 22 years old only, is ready to be part of the MAKO Records adventure.
Eclier proudly represents the new cold wave from the east : Dark electro break, robotic vocals and spacey pop synths : all together this siberian chemistry is a hot hymn to the dancefloor.
MAKOs 004 «The Hole» by Eclier is just another electro bomb, another way of say Hello to Siberia!
Thank you for your time and consideration,
Zhenya aka PROXY