From Volatile:
"Hello fellow sinners!
Here's a little KoЯn cover we made, purely as an experiment and tribute to the band.
Play it loud or suffer a swift and fiery retribution.
Volatile - Apocalypse Right Now by Volatile
Volatile - is one of my favorites now in Techno music, they are currently working on getting released! First is remix on Mould - Ghetto and it is on "Mako Records" (Russia) it will be released at 12th of april, second is their own release on "CounterSound label" and it is called "Retaliation". They are currently waiting for remixes on "Retaliation" track, so you can try yourself in this feature. And one more, they are talking with Mako for a release to, and i saw at mako official VKontakte page, that they planning to have a deal with Volatile, so we will see what happens.
For more Volatile on my blog, click HERE!
Volatile Myspace
Volatile Sound Cloud