Наконец-то!! Свершилось!! Первый релиз Мако Рекордс!! Марсель пародовал изобретательностью, но не интересностью треков, ожидаемый мною "your brain" в первом релизе не появился... Очень жаль, и скорее всего зря... первый релиз он самый главный, но как известно первый блин комом! Ждём второго релиза от The Mould, в планах треки Ghetto, The Metro, Ghetto (Volatile remix) и Mad Soldier Takes a Rifle... Скажу вам по секрету последний трек просто бомба!!! А гетто просто рванина!!! Так что вся сила Мако рекордс пока во втором релизе и, о боги, в имени The Proxy!! А пока читайте приветственную речь Жени Пожарного и слушайте превью релиза на майспейсе Марселя... С рождением тебя Мако records!!!!

Hello my friends,
This is Zhenya, better known to all as PROXY. I hope this press release finds you well.
I am proud to present the product of three years of research, planning and deepest soul-searching: my brand new label, Mako Records. Our first release is here at last. It is the work of a highly promising producer, Marseille. I have known him for a long time and he has become a good friend of mine. You may already be familiar with his excellent work on remixes of my own “Raven” and “Who Are You”. And now, it is his time. A time to reveal the horsepower and threshing capacity of a true Russian Machine.

And thus, Mako Records is born. Please welcome your gracious invaders. You can keep the better part of your culture, but the music will be decidedly different.
Thank you for your time,
Release Date: March

Marseille Myspace
Mako Records Myspace
Mako Records Official Website
P\s Some feedbacks to Mako001:
Thx, you know I love this:)
Ufo is really big, I will play this one!!!
This is f***king great!! Thanks mate!!!
Andres Klein (AUTODIDAKT)
Sir Bob Cornelius Rifo (BLOODY BEETROOTS)
Crazy EP! Favourite is Over My Soul. Will support :)
UFO attack is the one for me!! so weird I love it. Cant wait to hear more from the label.
Graeme Sinden (SINDEN)
Love this shit! Love bleepy, crunchy stuff like this. Phresh.
Brayn Black (MOTOR)
Yeah! Over My Soul is a bomb, and i like Goodbye, as well. Congratulations for this brilliant first release and all the best for MAKO.
Raik Krause (HEY TODAY!)