What will be, if to dj set with broken rhythms and new school dance electronic sounds we add a guitar decorated with various effects, operated alive during performance, and a vocal, rushing to blow up a dancefloor?
I would like to represent to you great Belorussian live-project "DANDYskills". Guys, who aspire to become not only worthy continuer's such well-known Belorussian breaks live-projects as 4kuba and Access Denied, but also they try to introduce the highlight in breaks! What? Come to look!
DANDYskills is Daniel Kudritsky (aka Dj Da-nick)(On the left side of photo) whom already has had time to win respect and authority, both among public, & colleagues turntubalism, and Zmitrek Zhukovsky (On the right side of photo) - young producer, the musician and the vocalist of the project.
Dandyskills - It has wings
Dandyskills - Whisper scream whispers cream
Their tracks had sounded on air of the most well-known dancing radios:
-Kiss FM
-BBC Radio 1
DANDYskills plays only live and only they own music which you can listen listen on their player on MySpace.
DANDYskills space
DANDYskills PromoDj
DANDYskills Vkontake group

Buy release here, here, or here, and here